Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Preparing for our first week long yacht trip.

So, bear with me folks, this is my first blog.
My husband and I are going on our first week long yacht trip in the British Virgin Islands.
I hope to have enough wifi access to be able to share lots of awesome pictures with all of you.
We have been planning this trip for about 6 months. It came about over a few bottles of wine
in Aruba while watching our 50th plus beautiful sunset.
Our 'host' in Aruba, Fred was telling us one of his many wonderful stories about his days living aboard a powerboat, which he did for over 10 years.
By now we feel like we know Fred very well after 7 or 8 years of staying at his property on Aruba, so my husband thought out loud and said, "We should charter our own boat someday Fred." So here we go.............. We set sail out of Tortola on Saturday August 14th!
Getting very excited as the days grow closer & PRAYING for good weather!!
As we are relatively seasoned travelers to the Caribbean, this is a whole new experience for my husband and I, and we cannot thank Fred enough for being a willing participant. I look forward to sharing our adventure with all of you.