Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Few Afterthoughts

So I thought I was done with the blog, but I remembered a few more things I wanted to share.
First of all, it was quite a stretch for me to go a whole week without wearing makeup, barely wearing shoes, and doing nothing with my hair but washing it!
Kind of liberating though!
Secondly, I failed to mention our tally of alcohol consumed on this trip!
Wow, get ready for this-
4 cases of beer
2 bottles of tequila
2 bottles of rum
1 bottle of vodka
8 bottles of wine
and that still doesn't count the painkillers, cooper island wop's, and whatever else we bought at bars along the way! And to top it off we figured out we only drank 2 bottles of water between us all week and Fred didn't have any water! When you have a beer with your eggs in the morning I guess you are going to go through it a lot faster.
Also, the guys got pretty good at telling the time of day by using the compass to find straight north & using their finger or a pen standing on end & looking at the shadow to determine the time. They got it down to within 15 minutes the last couple of days. If the three of us by a boat together we have decided to call it '3 Stooges'
We would do it again in a heartbeat! Had a blast. Already checked out some bigger boats for next time. They sleep 8 people, who wants to go?!?!?!?

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could go! Sounds like a blast. Glad you had such a wonderful time.
