Saturday, August 14, 2010

A very eventful 1st day!!

Well, Friday the 13th stood up to it's reputation this time! I've never been a superstitious person but wow. We were supposed to fly from Chicago to Miami to St Thomas and meet Fred, our friend and captain, at a hotel. The plan was to spend the night on St Thomas and take an early ferry to Tortola on Saturday to pick up our boat. Instead we ended up with a cancelled flight from Chicago due to mechanical issues. The only other flights out of Chicago did not get us to our connection in Miami. So after a long conversation with an American Airlines agent,(who was wonderful, by the way), we ended up rebooking all of our flights down in order to get to the boat asap. So, instead we flew from Chicago to Miami then to San Juan getting in at midnight. Found a small, quaint, but clean hotel to sleep for 6 hours then back to San Juan airport for the first flight out to Tortola this morning to meet Fred at the boat. The hotel had a fun bar on the beach that under different circumstances we would have enjoyed, but we were exhausted and knew we only had 6 hours until we had to head back to the airport. So our first night was supposed to be spent charting our course and planning our menus, but instead we are just going to go straight to the boat and wing it! We are crossing our fingers that our bags actually make it! All in all we are only arriving about 2 hours late to the boat. Not too bad considering! Cross your fingers & hope the bags make it! And wish for less hectic days ahead! I have added a picture of our hotel lounge since that has been the only thing to take of picture of yet outside of an airport!!

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