Sunday, August 15, 2010

Under way!!

So the bags did not make it. No suprise. Anyway, we went on to the Marina to get the boat and meet up with Fred. Went through the orientation, bought our groceries, and
still no bags. So instead of just waiting around we went over to Peter Island on the boat, which by the way, the boat's name is 'Stroke of Luck'. Kind of humorous actually. So we did have a wonderful night in Little Harbour at Peter Island.
We grilled hamburgers out on the top deck and looked at all the stars!!
It was a beautiful night. The next morning we got up and made omletes and then took
a little swim and snorkel before headed back to Tortola to fetch our bags!! Yay they arrived. Since we were in the area we stopped back the dock to refill our water & ice. On the way back to Tortola we had a couple of dolphins swimming next to the boat. Also had a sea turtle swimming by our boat over at Peter Isand. Next stop is Cane Garden Bay on the other side of Tortola.

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